Immediate Past President
Club Administration & Youth Chair
Club Membership Chair
Service Projects Chair
Club Public Image Chair
The Rotary Foundation
Club Learning Facilitator
Environmental Chair
Disaster Relief Chair
Literacy Chair
Community Service
Fundraising Chair
END POLIO NOW! We are this close!
Club Information

Welcome to our Club!

Service Above Self

1st & 3rd Thurs - Cancer Society
Cancer Society Wellness Centre
Queen's Highway, Palmetto Point
2nd & 4th Thurs -EACC,Tarpum Bay
Eleuthera,  0000
District Site
Immediate Past President
Club Administration & Youth Chair
Club Membership Chair
Service Projects Chair
Club Public Image Chair
The Rotary Foundation
Club Learning Facilitator
Environmental Chair
Disaster Relief Chair
Literacy Chair
Community Service
Fundraising Chair

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Our Club Welcomes You....
District Governor Bazzin was well received by our Interact  Club of Central Eleuthera High,  as well as Earlyact Clubs of Emily G. Petty and PA Gibson Primary Schools during her official visit.  The officers of all 3 clubs were pinned with their leadership pins by DG.
She also had the opportunity to meet with the leaders of our Royal Bahamas Police Force; she was briefed on Peace/Conflict resolutions for the island.
District Governor Dominique Bazin met with the Board Meeting followed by the General Meeting with Rotarians and Rotaractors, while on the island of Eleuthera. She led a very engaged and successful business session followed by the regular weekly Rotary Meeting where Rotarians and Rotaractors. DG Dominique was very positive and motivating. There was great fellowship and a home cooked meal prepared by President Elect Leahnora Knowles. Rotarians who received new PHF levels were also pinned by the DG. Gifts of appreciation were presented by RCE to DG Dominique and AG Lionel.
District Governor (DG) Dominique arrived in Eleuthera November 19th, 2024 as part of her Rotary Clubs of the Bahamas official visit. She was accompanied by Assistant Governor (AG) Lionel Haven of the Rotary Clubs of the Bahamas (RCOB). He is responsible for the West Clubs of RCOB.  They were met at the airport by President Jacqueline Gibson and an enthusiastic team of Rotarians.
Rotary’s focus/theme for the month of November is the Foundation.  Through Rotary’s Foundation Rotarians are able to donate and make a difference in their own Community and the World with many service projects that will help improve the lives of others.
Members of the RCE continue to give to the Foundation and achieved several Paul Harris Fellow Recognitions (PHF’s) for their contributions during the new Rotary year beginning July 01, 2024.
The recipients are Kathy LaCroix PHF, Monique Hailey PHF, Sybil Forbes PHF+1, Leahnora Knowles PHF+2, Eldecia Thompson PHF+2, Juanita Pinder PHF+3, Jacqueline Gibson PHF+5, Audrey Carey PHF+5, Sherrin Cooper PHF+7 and Susan Culmer PHF+7
RCE continued to celebrate Foundation Month by participating in The Rotary Clubs of the Bahamas (RCOB) Annual Rotary Foundation Gala on November 16th, 2024.  at Margaritaville, Nassau.  During this event recognition was given to outstanding people for their service/contributions in their Community.  This year RCE recognized two (2) outstanding citizens from the Community of Central Eleuthera for their dedicated service in Education, Business and Community Service.  The recipients were Roderick Pinder and Karen Culmer.  Several RCE members attended the Gala.
The Rotary Club of Eleuthera partnered with the Cancer Society, Eleuthera (CSE) Branch to host its Annual Fun, Run, Walk Health Event held on Saturday, October 26, 2024, at French Leave Beach, Governor’s Harbour.  Rotarians contributed to the event via donations, volunteering or participating.  Health Screening for hypertension and high glucose was also conducted by Bahamas Wellness Center. 
RCE Celebrates World Polio Day
October 24th, 2024 was observed as World Polio Day by Rotary.  The Rotary Club of Eleuthera observed World Polio Day with a Dinner and Watch Party at Wild Orchid’s Restaurant, Rock Sound.  Rotarians also watched several End Polio videos.   Part proceeds from the event were donated to the ‘End Polio Now Campaign’. 
End Polio is one of Rotary’s important Initiatives where the fight to eradicate Polio from the face of the earth is ongoing.  To date there are only two countries that have cases of Polio and they are Afghanistan and Pakistan. 
RCE Members contributed further to the fight by collecting coins for Polio.  The funds were also submitted to the Club on
World Polio Day
Rotary Club of Eleuthera (RCE) promotes Community Economic Development

 Community Economic Development is Rotary’s theme during the month of October ad is vital to the sustainability of any Community.  One of the major vehicles that drive Community Economic Development is Entrepreneurship. 
In the past the Community of South Eleuthera has experienced the failure of large-scale development which left the Community and Economy in an undesirable state.  However, with the recent surge in entrepreneurship and smaller businesses the Community’s Economy continues to get better.
The Rotary Club of Eleuthera membership has thirteen (13) out of twenty-five (25) members owning a business, this represents over fifty percent (50%) of the Club’s membership as Entrepreneurs.  The Rotarian Entrepreneurs have contributed to the economic growth of the Communities of Eleuthera especially South Eleuthera Community where ten (10) of the thirteen (13) businesses are located and the economic hardships were felt the most.  Over the years they have provided employment for many which has also helped improve the standard of living for them and their families; contributed to Local Community events; Healthcare, Education, Tourism, the Environment, Police and Law Enforcement and much more.
In recognition of Education and Literacy month. Rotarians were challenged to reinvent their high school days by showing up to our in-person meeting dressed as students! It was a fun night, especially taking into consideration that our Guest Speaker was 15 year old Orlanderia Pinder, the current serving Bahamas Junior Minister of Tourism (former EarlyActor/Interactor), a post that she won through a competition with high schools from throughout the Bahama Islands.  A roll call was made for our RotaStudents  – Past President Sue Culmer and Ian Carey, Rotarians Sybil Forbes (organizer), Andrey Gardiner, Monique Hailey, Kathy Lacroix, Nora Knowles and Gloria Cooper, to take a photo opt with Junior Minister Pinder. Happy fines were collected for the occasion.
The Rotary Club of Eleuthera (RCE) promoted Education and Literacy during the month of September.  They launched the ‘Let’s Read Together’ project that began September 09th – 20th, 2024 in several of the local schools on the island of Eleuthera.Rotarians visited with the students and participated in reading sessions with them.  The students were very engaged and excited.
Please join us in recognizing our two newest Rotarians Kathy and Monique. These two ladies were officially inducted to our great of organization July 2024 by PRIP Barry Rassin.
They have already brought such great energy to Rotary months in advance of induction. Their commitment to SERVICE ABOVE SELF continues!
In Photo L-R: Membership Director PP Sherrin Cooper, Rotarians Monique Hailey and Kathy Lacroix, PRIP Barry Rassin

The Rotary Youth Clubs are important to the growth and sustainability of Rotary. The Rotary Club of Eleuthera (RCE) has, one (1) Interact, one (1) Rotaract and five (5) Earlyact Clubs under its umbrella. However, since the COVID-19 pandemic there has been a challenge with keeping the Clubs engaged but this has begun to change for the better.

On Friday, September 13th, 2023, the Interact Club of Central Eleuthera High School (CEHS) participated in the School’s Club Fair where several other organizations were also present including the President and members from the Rotary Club of Eleuthera, Key Club (Kiwanis), Anchor Club and several others. During the Club Fair, brochures on Rotary/Interact prepared by RCE Youth Chair, Leahnora Knowles were shared with students. 

The Rotary Club of Eleuthera was so excited to successfully partner with President Vanessa Abdel-Razak and the Rotary Club of Petion -Ville Sud, President Vanessa and her club planned a funday at the orphanage, at which time our joint contributions were "symbolically" presented. It was great to connect with President Vanessa at our district conference, resulting in discussions leading to a heartfelt partnership with the Rotary Club of Pétion-Ville Sud. As a result of our meeting with President Vanessa her board. and the orphanage leadership, without question, assisting 21 children, providing the opportunity for enrollment in school (2024-2025) was a "no brainer" Although we were unable to visit Haiti to participate in the exciting fun, fellowship, and check presentations, we were well represented by President Vanessa and team. I wish to thank them for representing us!


 Returning back to school at the end of the Summer Holiday for most children is exciting but can be challenging for many parents. However, over the years Rotary and other organizations have provided assistance to help alleviate the stress that many parents experience.

The Rotary Club of Eleuthera and the Kiwanis Club of South Eleuthera joined forces to assist SunOil Company with their Back to School Party and School Supplies Giveaway in Central and South Eleuthera on Saturday, August 17th, 2024.
Peace and Conflict Resolution is one of Rotary’s key areas of Focus.   In the World today Peace is essential in everyday living.  In the absence of peace there is conflict, chaos, war, crime, pain, insecurity, suffering, etc.
The Royal Bahamas Police Force (RBPF) is the main Peacekeeping Organization in the Bahamas including the island of Eleuthera.  The Rotary Club of Eleuthera (RCE) has partnered with RBPF over the years on many peacekeeping projects and initiatives. 
Dear Fellow Rotarians,
August is here, ushering in Membership and New Club Development month — a period for reflection, growth, and new beginnings. This is our moment to rejuvenate and innovate, asking ourselves how can we elevate the Rotary experience in District 7020 to be simply irresistible? Together, let us embark on this journey with renewed passion and unwavering dedication
Our district goals for the year:
  • Increase Membership by 5%
  • Establish 5 to 8 New Clubs (including Satellite, Interact, Rotaract, or Rotary Clubs)
Each and every one of you has a vital role in ensuring we reach our goals. As we plan and implement activities designed to create meaningful change, it is essential that we ask ourselves some important questions to better tailor our interventions:
Community Engagement: how can we better serve our communities? Are we diving deeply into their needs and aspirations? Are we listening to our community leaders? Are we seeking to understand the pressing issues in education, health, sanitation, and economic development? Are we collaborating effectively with local businesses and media to amplify our efforts? 
New Rotary Leadership

The Installation of new Presidents and Officers for both Rotary and Rotaract Clubs for 2024 - 2025 were conducted by PRIP Barry Rassin. The new President for the Rotary Club of Eleuthera is Ms. Jacqueline Gibson and IPP Lydia Coakley-Cooper returned as President of the Rotaract Club of Eleuthera for another year.
New Rotaract Leadership
Dear Fellow Rotarians,
As we embark on another exciting Rotary year, I am filled with enthusiasm and optimism. This year's theme, "The Magic of Rotary," perfectly encapsulates the incredible impact we can make when we come together with passion and purpose.
"The Magic of Rotary" lies in our collective ability to transform lives, create lasting change, and foster a spirit of service above self. Each of us brings unique skills, talents, and perspectives to our club, and it is through our collaborative efforts that we can achieve extraordinary things.
Keeping our environment clean is everyone’s responsibility.  On Saturday, July 08th, 2023 the Rotary Club of Eleuthera (RCE) joined forces with Clean Beaches of Eleuthera Committee to clean up one of the most beautiful beaches on the island of Eleuthera.  The beach at French Leave, Governor’s Harbour.
Rotary celebrated Membership and New Club Development Month with the launch of its 9th Annual Buddy Program.  The objectives of the Buddy Program were to increase membership engagement; provide fun and fellowship; achieve Rotary’s goals; provide opportunities for Prospective Rotarians; show appreciation to members; strengthen the Club; promote Rotary’s Brand/Areas of Focus, Team building, Leadership, Community Building and Rotarians’ interest in the Environment.
“One of Rotary’s most colorful traditions is members’ exchanging club banners. Clubs display their own decorative banners at meetings and district events, and Rotarians who travel to other countries often take these banners to exchange with the clubs they visit as a sign of international friendship.”
 The Rotary Club of Eleuthera closed out Maternal and Child Health Month with a donation of baby items including disposable diapers, wipes, bottles, pacifiers, rattlers, shampoo and more. The items will be presented to a few expecting mothers on the island of Eleuthera in need of assistance.
Brooke & Breanna Bennett are not your average teenage girls! At only 15 years old, these young ladies are the founders of Women in Training (WIT), a nonprofit organization that advocates to END PERIOD POVERTY for women all over the world! Every month, Women In Training (WIT) distribute kits to over 500 women. This week, we are happy to feature WIT founders: Brooke & Breanna who happen to also be the grandchildren of the late Preston Albury, Member of Parliament for the Rock Sound Constituency
May be an image of 4 people and outdoorsMay be an image of 3 people and outdoorsMay be an image of 4 peopleMay be an image of 4 people, outdoors and tree
Members of the Rotary Club of Eleuthera traveled to the Abaco to assist the club with their community service projects including the construction and erection of picnic tables which will help to enhance the surroundings at the Owanta's Pond making it more enjoyable for everyone in Abaco to take advantage of!!!!!
May be an image of 4 people and text that says 'Rotary Club of Eleuthera UPCOMINGEVENTS with... PDG Felix Stubbs & AG Carla Stubs DG Louis Wever & Lady Amanda Wever Fri. 25th Feb. 2022 7:10am- Arrival of guests @ GHB airport Project viewing (James Cistern) Breakfast- Buccaneer Club (GHB) Project viewing- Disable Ramp (Central Eleu. High). SEEP (Tarpum bay), One Eleuthera (Rock Sound) Check In- Unique Village (Palmetto Point) 6:00pm- Board Meeting CSE 7:00pm Party in the back yard (PP Ju's House) Sat. 26th Feb. 2022 Breakfast 1:30pm- Depart to Nassau Bahamas Rotary Club of Eleuthera'May be an image of 8 people, people standing and text that says 'Welcome Eleuthera District Governor LouIs First Lady Amanda Wever uard ym'May be an image of 9 people, people standing and text that says 'FARMERS MARKET'
May be an image of 2 people, people standing and outdoorsMay be an image of 9 people, people standing, outdoors, tree and text that says 'ONE ELEUTHERA f23'
May be an image of 5 people, people sitting, people standing and outdoorsMay be an image of 10 people, people standing and outdoors
May be an image of 10 people, people sitting and outdoorsMay be an image of 4 people, people standing, people sitting and oceanMay be an image of 2 people and food
The so much excitement during our DG Louis, First lady Amanda, PDG Felix and our AG Calla's visit!
1. Visit to the recycling depot ✔️
2. Greenhouse tour ✔️
3. CTI tour ✔️
And what is a trip to South Eleuthera without a stop at the world-famous Ocean Hole, Rock Sound Eleuthera

The Rotary Club of Eleuthera and its partners seek to reduce refuse in communities and landfills in North and Central Eleuthera and increase access to recycling making it more convenient for residents and visitors by establishing a recycling depot in James Cistern, Eleuthera.   On January 15, 2022, the Rotary Club of Eleuthera (RCE) partnered with Meadows Construction, the Local Township of James Cistern, and other Residents to construct wooden bins for the new recycling Depot.  The project was led by Service Chair, Rtn. Audley Meadows.  RCE received a District 7020 Grant in the amount of $3,000.00 to assist with this project.  

 Health Expo. was held on Nov. 20th, 2021, at The Cancer Wellness Centre, Palmetto Point, Eleuthera.  The Health Expo was hosted by The Nurses Association of Eleuthera in partnership with The Rotary Club of Eleuthera (RCE).  The Expo was held to commemorate World Diabetes Day which was observed worldwide on November 14th, 2021.  The purpose of the expos was to share with Diabetics and the public the resources available to assist them with taking better care of themselves.  Booths available included RCE where information was shared on Rotary and its role in the fight against diabetes and other non-communicable diseases, Family Medical Centre, MASA Air Ambulance, CTI Farm, and The Eleuthera Nurses Association provided free glucose testing blood pressure monitoring, BMI’s, eye and foot testing.  RCE also provided demos of healthy cooking facilitated by Nurse Edwards for anyone with chronic non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, asthma, etc.
Members of The Rotary Club of Eleuthera and Royal Bahamas Police Force (RBPF) Eleuthera Division showed up in large numbers on December 27th, 2021, to bring Cheer to many children and families throughout the island this past Holiday Season. They hosted A Christmas Drive-Thru Giveaway at The Community Park in Tarpum Bay. 
Rotarians and Police Officers worked together as they grilled and served chicken along with hot dogs macaroni and tossed green salad.   The children received bags of treats which contained apples, oranges, candy, chips, juice, water, and more.  Cotton Candy was one of the highlights for many of the children and some adults too.  The children were excited to see Santa arrive on the Fire Truck.
Over four hundred (400) toys, gifts, meals, and snacks were distributed to children, teenagers, and adults.  Many of the children's faces lit up with joy and excitement as they received their gifts and toys. 
For Rotarians Service above Self is a lifestyle.  It’s that yearning to give, show love and be concerned about those around us.  The Rotary Club of Eleuthera and the RBPF are committed to making a difference, but we are also committed to being the difference!   Rotarians are People of Action!

Members of The Rotary Club of Eleuthera and Royal Bahamas Police Force (RBPF) Eleuthera Division showed up in large numbers on December 27th, 2021, to bring Cheer to many children and families throughout the island this past Holiday Season. They hosted A Christmas Drive-Thru Giveaway at The Community Park in Tarpum Bay. 
Rotarians and Police Officers worked together as they grilled and served chicken along with hot dog macaroni and tossed green salad.   The children received bags of treats which contained apples, oranges, candy, chips, juice, water, and more.  Cotton Candy was one of the highlights for many of the children and some adults too.  The children were excited to see Santa arrive on the Fire Truck.
Over four hundred (400) toys, gifts, meals, and snacks were distributed to children, teenagers, and adults.  Many of the children's faces lit up with joy and excitement as they received their gifts and toys. 
For Rotarians Service above Self is a lifestyle.  It’s that yearning to give, show love and be concerned about those around us.  The Rotary Club of Eleuthera and the RBPF are committed to making a difference, but we are also committed to being the difference!   Rotarians are People of Action!

The Rotary Club of Eleuthera continues to partner with the Salvation Army of Palmetto Point, Eleuthera with their annual Christmas Food Parcels Program.  During the period Dec. 23rd, 2021, thru Dec. 24th, 2021, food parcels were delivered to persons in need throughout North, Central and South Eleuthera.  RCE provided a financial donation in the amount of $2500.00 to assist with this program.  Members also assisted with the packaging and distribution of the food parcels.  Rotary continued to bring Cheer during the Christmas Holiday Season.

On November 30th, 2021, The Rotary Club of Eleuthera hosted The World’s Greatest Meal Event at The Eleuthera Cancer Wellness Centre.  A total of $400.00 was raised by the Rotarians and guests.  The funds were donated to The Rotary Foundation. 

Every year the RCOB Rotary Foundation Gala is held, and persons are recognized for their outstanding work in their Community/Club.  This year RCE chose a very deserving individual Ms. Bernadette Colebrook for her contributions to the Community and Bahamas as a Nurse in Health Care.  Ms. Colebrooke is a native of Eleuthera.  On November 30th, 2021, RCE presented Nurse Colebrook with a Paul Harris Fellow.
Diabetes is a non-communicable disease that is prevalent in the Caribbean and Bahamas.  People of all ages are affected by this disease.  The Rotary Club of Eleuthera (RCE) donated eight glucometers to The Nurse’s Association of Eleuthera.  The recipients suffer from Diabetes #2.  The glucometers will assist them with managing this disease.  They also received training by nurses from the Association on how to use the glucometers to manage their diabetes.  This project was done in partnership with The Nurses Association of Eleuthera and RCE.  The glucometers and testing strips were provided by RCE.  The Nurses Association provided training for persons who needed it.  The glucometers were given to newly diagnosed diabetics.
Each year Rotarians celebrate World Polio Day on October 24th.  This year October 24th was on a Sunday, therefore The Rotary Club of Eleuthera (RCE) celebrated with a Watch Party beginning at 12 noon with lunch on Saturday, October 23rd, 2021, at The South Eleuthera Emergency Partners Site (SEEP), Tarpum Bay, Eleuthera.  RCE Members joined Rotaractors and other persons from the Community via ZOOM and in-person to celebrate END POLIO NOW.  A few of the Videos watched included ‘World Polio Day Global Updates' and Jennifer Jones ‘End Polio Now’ (TED TALKs).  RCE Foundation Chair, PP Sherrin Cooper also gave a short presentation on the ‘End Polio Campagne’.  

 The Rotary Club of Eleuthera (RCE) donated nine (9) sewing machines to the Technical/Clothing Construction Department at Central Eleuthera High School. Eighty (80) plus students in the program will benefit from this donation including our Central Eleuthera High School Interact Club. Many of the parents/guardians were unable to purchase sewing machines for their children because of the hardships they continue to experience due to COVID-19. RCE continues to partner with the Public Schools and Community to ensure students have the necessary tools for learning.

 The Rotary Club of Eleuthera (RCE) provided support to The Cancer Wellness Centre of Eleuthera with the painting of storm shutters. The Wellness Centre is managed by volunteers and provides support to all residents of all Communities on the island of Eleuthera. The Centre is also used for community meetings and events. The maintenance of the building is based on the generosity of its volunteers and fundraising efforts. A souse-out fundraiser was also hosted in partnership with RCE on the same date. All proceeds will be used to assist persons in Community who need help with Cancer screening, education, referrals, etc


The Rotary Club of Eleuthera (RCE) is known for helping with Wheelchairs for those in need on the island.   Members of RCE met with young entrepreneur Mr. Jonathan Burrows of Governors’’ Harbour, Eleuthera.  Mr. Burrows is disabled and manufactures stone crab/fish pots for his small stone crab business.  His previous wheelchair was worn and inoperable.  The new wheelchair will help to improve his mobility making it possible for him to work and grow his business.   He also employs several young men in his stone crab operation.  The donation of the wheelchair to Mr. Burrows was made possible by PP Francisco DeCardenas, PP Mike Stafford, The Wheelchair Foundation, and Bahamas Ferries.

Even Toddlers and Pre-schoolers participated in The Rotary Club of Eleuthera reading aloud Initiative. Toddler two-year-old Saylor Cooper and Pre-Schooler five-year-old Azaria Bethel were captured on video by their parents as they read their favorite book. Saylor read ‘Mouse Finds a House’ by Karen Horneck and Azaria read during her morning devotional ‘Noah’s Ark.’ They read with such enthusiasm. Videos and photos were shared by their parents.



Each year Rotarians celebrate World Polio Day on October 24th. This year October 24th was on a Sunday, therefore The Rotary Club of Eleuthera (RCE) celebrated with a Watch Party beginning at 12 noon with lunch on Saturday, October 23rd, 2021, at The South Eleuthera Emergency Partners Site (SEEP), Tarpum Bay, Eleuthera. RCE Members joined Rotaractors and other persons from the Community via ZOOM and in person to celebrate END POLIO NOW. A few of the Videos watched included ‘World Polio Day Global Updates and Jennifer Jones ‘End Polio Now’ (TED TALKs). RCE Foundation Chair, PP Sherrin Cooper also gave a short presentation on the ‘End Polio Campagne’.



During the month of September Rotary’s focus is on Basic Education and Literacy. On September 01, 2021, the Rotary Club of Eleuthera (RCE) assisted several Schools on the island of Eleuthera with preparing for the opening of schools. RCE prepared several boards to promote Literacy in the schools. Literacy Boards were constructed and installed at Rock Sound, James Cistern, Emma E. Cooper, and P.A. Gibson Primary Schools.



Congratulations to Charter Member Rotarian Jospeh Cartwright, and newest Member Rotarian Eldeasia Thompson on being selected the Male/Female Rotarians of the month by the club membership.
Tamia Knowles our11-year-old powerhouse has been diagnosed with a rare bone disease (Osteogenesis Imperfecta) it has never stopped her from achieving the things she sets her mind to. Tamia is the 8th place finalist for the Bahamas Primary School Student of the Year 2021 and is the immediate past treasurer for the Earlyact Club at Emma Cooper Primary. 

2024-2025 Theme:
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Doing Good in the World

For almost 100 years, The Rotary Foundation has lived its motto: Doing Good in the World. See the global impact of the Foundation’s financial support.

Rotary’s response to the U.S.’s plan to withdraw from the WHO, USAID funding freeze

Rotary’s response to the U.S.’s plan to withdraw from the WHO, USAID funding

Korea-Japan friendship conference sparks dialogue

Rotary leaders from both countries reflect on the challenges and opportunities of peacebuilding across borders

A pioneer in Black horror fiction resurrects her uncle's history

Former Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar Tananarive Due, a pioneer in Black horror fiction, resurrects history of her forgotten uncle

The election observers

An election monitoring mission in Nigeria presents a pathway for peacebuilding

The disaster recovery playbook

After historic storms, Rotary clubs look to Florida’s hard-earned wisdom about disaster recovery efforts